Definition of Absolute error

1. Noun. (context: military gunnery) Shortest distance between the center of impact or the center of burst of a group of shots, and the point of impact or burst of a single shot within the group. ¹

2. Noun. (context: military gunnery) Error of a sight consisting of its error in relation to a master service sight with which it is tested, including the known error of the master service sight. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Absolute Error

absolute complement
absolute complements
absolute configuration
absolute constant
absolute constants
absolute dehydration
absolute deviation
absolute deviations
absolute drought
absolute droughts
absolute ego
absolute egos
absolute eosinophil count
absolute error
absolute errors
absolute fee simple
absolute filter
absolute form
absolute forms
absolute frequency
absolute glaucoma
absolute gravity
absolute hemianopia
absolute humidity
absolute hyperopia
absolute idealism
absolute idealisms
absolute impediment

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